Production & Suppliers

Padma Workshop 3: Circular Business Case

Access the full recording of Workshop 3: Circular Business Case, along with the workshop manual - the full slide deck with explanatory notes. This workshop is the third workshop in a series of 3 workshops delivered by Common Objective for Padma Textiles in May 2023, as part of phase 1 of the project delivery.

You will learn about:

  • Communicating circularity - where the storytelling opportunities lie
  • Carving out your circularity niche
  • Positioning Padma as a circularity leader and how others have done it

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to: 

  • Identify products in your range you could make circular relatively easily
  • Identify product(s) you could spend time innovating
  • Understand how to communicate the business potential of circularity to buyers
  • Have an awareness of circular initiatives beyond p…

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